How to Dress for Endometriosis by Maddy Forster

How to Dress for Endometriosis by Maddy Forster

Hello! I’m Maddy, I am a Personal Stylist and the owner of Mad About Fashion. I’m 25 years old and live in Melbourne, Australia. I am a fashion lover, Italian obsessed, big dreamer and a sucker for watching the sunset on the beach.

Growing up I loved going shopping on a Saturday with my mum, keeping up to date with the latest trends and seeking style inspiration from those around me. My style is constantly evolving as I grow as a person which is what I love about personal style; it’s not linear.

As I mentioned before, I’m Italian obsessed and this has been an integral part of my journey to becoming a stylist. I have been fortunate enough to have travelled to Italy several times and I’ve always been in awe of the effortless style you see in the streets over there. It’s so simple, yet it looks incredible.

Aside from Italian fashion being a big part of the evolution of Mad About Fashion, my journey with my health has also led me to where I am today. At the age of 12, I was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. This is a chronic ongoing condition which affects the joints in my body, causing pain and inflammation. At the age of 23, 5 years after symptoms started I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Endometriosis and Adenomyosis.

For those who are unaware, Endometriosis is a chronic disease where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows and attaches to different parts and organs in the body. It’s often misdiagnosed, misunderstood and symptoms are commonly misread as IBS.

I was fortunate enough to be diagnosed after 5 years, where on average for some it takes up to 11. However, in this time I underwent 2 ablation surgeries (where the surgeon attempts to burn the diseased tissue) and 1 excision (where the surgeon cuts the diseased tissue out) where I still was misdiagnosed. It became a repetitive discussion post operation 3 years in a row that I was ‘fixed’ and ‘wouldn’t need surgery again’.

I learned to listen to my body and keep seeking alternative opinions until I could trust my specialist. It wasn’t until May 2021 that I was officially diagnosed. If you’ve got endo, I’m sure you can relate to the bittersweet feeling of finally having an answer for all the pain. Yet at the same time, being confronted with something that is still so misjudged within society can be frightening. After my official diagnosis, I decided I wanted to share my experience on my personal Instagram in the hope of not only myself feeling less alone, but also for anyone else that may have been going through something similar.

My Endo Story - Maddy Forster

In 2022, after a positive response from friends and family about speaking up I decided to run a fundraiser for Endometriosis Australia. I raised over $1,000 and hosted a ‘Walk for Maddy’ in March that year. Soon after, I underwent my third egg harvest as a precaution for my future and having children. I then had my 5th laparoscopy. This was a turning point for me and I decided enough was enough. Mentally and physically, I couldn’t keep having surgery every 12 months. It wasn’t viable financially either. It’s so expensive! At the time, I had a degree in Public Relations but I was unable to work full time due to the magnitude of appointments I was going to weekly to manage my health.

My Endo Story - Maddy Forster

This crossroad forced me to decipher what my future looked like…

I could have gone back into the workforce to find a part time position, but I knew in my gut it wasn’t going to fulfil me. So I decided to work casually in retail and follow my passion for fashion, leading me to the renowned Australian Style Institute. I completed my studies and have become a qualified Personal Stylist and business owner. My job is to empower women in their bodies and help them unlock their style potential. I work for Mad About Fashion when I am able to and my health is my priority. Aside from working 1:1, I am constantly on the hunt to find pieces to help those with endometriosis. It’s close to my heart and I know the exact feeling of having a flare up and not knowing what to wear.

Starting my own business has been the silver lining of my health struggles the last 13 years. If I hadn’t gone through those times, it wouldn’t have led me to speak up and share my story. It’s allowed me to host styling sessions for endometriosis, become an Endo Champion for Endometriosis Australia and raise over $18,000 for research. The feeling of helping others gets me through the hard days and I’m so grateful to do what I love.

Fashion to me is more than just getting dressed in the morning. It’s my safe haven. Learning and discovering the power of style has been life changing. Understanding and unpacking how to dress for my body shape, my flares and materials that are endo friendly has allowed me to curate a wardrobe that accommodates my needs. I’m not perfect, and neither is my style, but it’s constantly evolving and that’s what I love about it. Style can be so empowering for those who are ready to learn, understand and evolve. It can change your motivation and your mood!

My Endo Story - Maddy Forster

My top 3 tips for dressing with Endometriosis are:

High Waisted options - try and find bottoms that are high waisted so when you sit down you aren’t restricted around your pelvis.
Buy clothes that have cotton - cotton is not only breathable, but it’s a soft material which means it won’t apply pressure to your pain points.
Avoid static materials like polyester or synthetic fabrics - this material will stick to you and emphasis areas we don’t want emphasised!

My Endo Story - Maddy Forster

To all of the women who are currently in pain, feel misunderstood, have endo, are lost in their style or don’t know how to feel confident in their clothes, I hear you! Taking the first step is always the hardest, but trust me when I say I can empathise where you are because I’ve been there too. I get it.

I have a free wardrobe essentials guide on my website available to download here:

For more styling tips & info, keep up to date on my socials:

If you’d like to start your styling journey and work with me, book your free discovery call here!

Mad About Fashion

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